Don’t Blame Technology

Don’t Blame Technology

Technology is easy to blame. I realize there have been times when I have fallen into the trap of being too quick to blame poor technology. Client Problems When clients talk to me about how we can help them, there is almost always a technology failure in the...
Desirable Uncertainty

Desirable Uncertainty

One of the most uncomfortable aspects that come with adopting Agile is the uncertainty — not really knowing what you will end up with. Throughout our education and business life, we have been taught to make order out of chaos. So why the reversal? The main reason is...
Watch GapCap Case Study

Watch GapCap Case Study

GapCap provides Agile financing to SMEs in UK. They needed fast, flexible technology. Alex Fenton, CEO, GapCap describes how they use LiveDataset and Krescendo technology to provide: A front-end for clients to seamlessly onboard and transact on an ongoing basis. A...
Less Is More

Less Is More

Software has always promised greater productivity. Do more Do it faster Do it better Do things you could do not do before Make your life easier In just a few decades, software has transformed how most people work. Software vendors have kept improving software and...