Simplifying User Administration – Part 1

Simplifying User Administration – Part 1

Managing user access and permissions can become complex in any enterprise-class application. LiveDataset manages access using system and dataset permissions. These permissions were designed for flexibility, to support a wide range of possible scenarios. After careful...
Rationalizing Search UX

Rationalizing Search UX

Together with the rest of the LiveDataset team, we continuously enhance LiveDataset, releasing new features, improvements, and bug fixes every two weeks. At regular intervals, we need to stand back and rationalize features that have been improved with several...
Before Deciding on the Technology…

Before Deciding on the Technology…

When you run into problems with your company’s systems, it is tempting to blame the technology. As I described in don’t blame the technology, technology is just a tool. Having a strong multi-disciplinary team is more important. Of course you want your team...
Speed. Versatility. Partnership.

Speed. Versatility. Partnership.

Last week Krescendo clients, employees, and friends in London helped us celebrate as we come to the end of another successful year. Three themes have underpinned this success and will continue to drive us forwards. The speed we can deliver new projects with...