Did lockdown bug you?

Did lockdown bug you?

Better hurry writing this post… with many COVID-19 restrictions imminently lifted, we’ll soon forget about lockdown. Tossed into socially distanced twilight zones, we suddenly had to fill – between four walls and the local park – those chunks...
Is it ok to talk about mistakes?

Is it ok to talk about mistakes?

An “expert” is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field. This quote from Niels Bohr (Nobel prize for physics in 1922) suggests a central role for mistakes in scientific discovery. Still, publicly sharing mistakes is kind of...
COVID-19 Risk Assessment

COVID-19 Risk Assessment

Over the last couple weeks, Krescendo duly carried out the recommended COVID-19 risk assessment, in preparation for the gradual resumption of office life. I don’t know about you but audits and risk assessments arouse conflicting emotions in me: initially, a...