Steel & Fluid Case Study

Steel & Fluid Case Study

Steel & Fluid Co had to quickly transform how they manufactured steel mechanical products

By designing their own business processes in LiveDataset, they gave everyone the necessary visibility so efficiency could soar.

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G-Cloud 10

G-Cloud 10

Krescendo has been awarded a place on G-Cloud 10, the new Crown Commercial Service framework for cloud-based services.

UK Government and public sector organisations can now purchase LiveDataset through the Digital Marketplace.

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3G-Eres and Krescendo Partnership

3G-Eres and Krescendo Partnership

3G-Eres and Krescendo are partners and have jointly designed and built the Project Management by Quantities Tool, powered by the LiveDataset platform.

This app enables project teams to update and share progress every day and to accurately predict time required using earned value management techniques.

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Enjoy Being Audited

Enjoy Being Audited

We used to take a defensive approach to being audited — viewing it as just a ‘box ticking’ exercise.

Embracing a standards-based approach to security management helps us to continuously improve.

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