KYC/AML Quality Assurance in the Cloud
Agile Delivery in a Top 10 Bank
The partnership between Business and Technology is a dynamic compromise between two naturally divergent imperatives: speed-to-market (do it now) vs robust design (do it right).
This tension is often mitigated by frequent collaboration, as is the case in contexts such as Trading, Operations, Finance: tools are commoditized, requirements specified using a common language and battle-hardened “implementers” on both sides of the fence get the job done. Engineers know the business and the business are tech-savvy.
However, this is not so common in Compliance. In response to the new regulatory landscape, demand for technology has soared in this community that had no history of close interaction with engineers. In this context, it is more difficult to find the right balance between rapid progress and appropriate infrastructure.
Today, the need to innovate quickly is being accelerated further by the pandemic-driven work from home normality.